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Invisible Rose Page 5

  Lin pinned her with a speculative glance, something she'd been doing very often lately. Doshi hoped her aching heart was not too obvious and turned away to inspect her wardrobe. She felt as naked as she had been with Tarin under the knowing woman's gaze.

  "She's angry that the prince is delayed another few days."

  "Another few?"

  "Yes. The prince's servant just left."

  Doshi started. “Just left?"

  The maid nodded, a curious look in her eyes.

  Doshi turned her back, pretending she wasn't that interested. “Lin, I need to take care of something. I'll be back in just a moment.” She lifted her dress and hurried toward the door.

  "But your highness..."

  "It'll only take a second.” Doshi hurried on tiptoes past her sister's bedroom door and scurried down the stairs as fast as her layers of shifts would allow her to go. When she came to the door leading outside, she checked that she wasn't observed and faded to invisibility.

  Ignoring ladylike conventions, she ran down the long drive leading to the front gates in the castle wall surrounding her father's property. Just as she reached the guardhouse, she heard the tell-tale clop of the carriage Tarin had sent with his message.

  She let herself out and reached the vehicle just as the servant wrenched open the carriage door and left it ajar while he raided the wild flowers just outside Glamdire.

  "I don't see why his highness has to have these particular flowers. What's so special about them?” the servant grumbled.

  Doshi pressed a hand to her lips to stifle her giggles and quickly searched the cushions of the well-appointed carriage. She found the note tucked just where she and Tarin had arranged it to be.

  She scanned the note. Honey, I will meet you tonight at the agreed time, despite certain setbacks in my plans. I will not allow my family problems to interfere with our last night. Look for the carriage at six. Lovingly yours, Tarin.

  She allowed herself only a moment to press his note to her bosom before she penned a hurried response. I will be there. Wait for me. All my love, Rose.

  She returned to her room at a more sedate pace, dreaming of her time with Tarin. How far she had come from that first night when Tarin first made love to her. Gabriella had been right about the pain, but it had been brief. Afterward, the pleasure was unending. She was thrilled to find that wild explosion could happen again and again.

  Tonight would be even more exciting. Tarin had mentioned she could do things to him with her mouth. She was eager to learn. Parts of his incredible body looked so tasty. She thought she might faint if she didn't get her tongue there soon.

  "Come, princess. Let me change your dress. His majesty will be furious if you show up so wrinkled.” Lin worked at the long line of buttons while Doshi stood waiting, still deep in thoughts of her lover.

  * * * *

  "Morel is of good stock, Doshi, descended from royalty. His family dates back to Lotar of Rainmire. He would make a fine husband."

  Doshi blinked rapidly to keep herself from falling asleep. Her father droned on about this paragon of blue blood in their drawing room. She could see little merit in the young man beyond his excellent manner and dress.

  His raven hair was perfectly in place. His pantaloons clung firmly to underdeveloped leg muscles and the bright purple waistcoat and jacket, while the finest quality, could possibly cause retinal damage with its brilliance.

  She attempted not to ogle the pea-sized mole hanging at the tip of his nose. The thought of having to stare across the breakfast table at that thing each morning made her stomach do flip flops. She just couldn't do it.

  "Doshi, do serve tea."

  "Yes, father."

  She moved to obey though she wasn't really expected to serve anything. She was a princess, after all. Her job was to oversee the servant present to do the pouring. She lifted the heavy container without thinking. Stumbling, she dumped the entire pot of steaming tea in the lap of Lord Dooncy Morel.

  Morel jumped to his feet, screaming and waving his arms. His flying arm smacked the pot from her hand and sent it sailing across the room where it smashed against the far wall. She watched in shock as a narrow stream of tea ran slowly down over the rose wallpaper, probably staining it beyond repair.

  The king's growl matched that of any he'd used on Gabriella after she'd been caught with yet another man. “Doshi!"

  She quaked, ducking her head and awaiting her father's lecture. But he would not do it in front of his guest. “Go to your room, young lady."

  "Yes, father."

  * * * *

  "Lin, it really isn't funny.” Doshi half-heartedly reprimanded her servant.

  Lin bent nearly in half, clutching her stomach as her giggles erupted, calmed, and then erupted again. “It is. Oh, your highness. I don't mean to laugh, but Lord Morel..."

  Doshi burst out laughing, covering her mouth. Falling flat across her bed, she shook from head to toe in her mirth, wishing she could share it with Tarin. He'd laugh, too. Poor Morel had been so red, hopping from foot to foot with his perfectly pointed shoes and his perfect hair never moving. She laughed harder. It was unnatural that a man could be so ordered, even with a tea stain spreading across his thin legs.

  "Lin, stop it. I'm humiliated enough."

  "Yes, your highness.” But Lin's eyes were full of inner laughter. She gathered Doshi's stained dress in her arms and turned to leave. “Don't worry. His majesty still adores you best.” She winked impertinently and left the room.

  * * * *

  Doshi sat back against the luxurious squabs of Tarin's carriage. She'd already let down the windows on both sides, risking the driver's notice. The oppressive scent of the wildflowers in the enclosed space was making her head spin, and she refused to be sick on her last night with Tarin.

  It had been tricky easing open the carriage door while the servant picked in the field. One would have thought he'd leave the door open to avoid mishap with the large bundle of blossoms. No such forethought had entered the man's mind.

  She found herself struggling to dodge the poking flowers as the man tried to make up his mind about the best place to lay them. Finally, he decided on a location and slammed the door closed before hopping on top the carriage and heading back to the inn.

  Now she fidgeted with her gloves, anxious to see Tarin, but still nervous that she would somehow disappoint him. She'd learned quickly what it felt like when a man reached his own peak. She knew the firmness of him inside her lessened and he called out ‘honey’ repeatedly until the sensations eased. She longed to hear her own name on his lips, but was grateful he didn't cry out Rose or Gabriella. She didn't think she could have stood it.

  The sun was setting by the time she reached the inn. Tonight, for the first time, she would spend a full night in Tarin's bed. Her body temperature rose with just the thought. As soon as the servant opened the door, she flicked away his hat and jumped to the ground as he ran to chase it in the slight evening breeze.

  She stepped away from the carriage and glanced around her. The prince was several feet away with a hopeful look on his face. For a moment, she considered pretending she hadn't come, but then couldn't resist brushing herself against him. She felt him grow hard immediately and sighed with satisfaction. There was no denying her prince wanted her.

  "Did you miss me?” she whispered.


  Her heart banged against her chest and she quickly tugged at his arm to lead him inside. “Then let's go now."

  Tarin stared straight ahead, pretending he was alone. She grinned up at him, glad he couldn't see the lovesick expression that was surely on her face.

  "Would you like to have dinner first?” He said it without moving his lips.

  She shook her head as if he could see it. “No, I ate something before I came.” She had, but not much. Who could eat when a man such as Tarin was waiting? Her appetite had completely abandoned her.

  The lobby of the inn was crowded with prestigious guests. Lo
rds and ladies called a greeting to the prince, each wanting to impress the others with being on intimate terms with foreign royalty. She pressed herself closer to his side in an effort not to bump his guards. There seemed to be many more of them around him. She would ask why when they were alone.

  The guards pressed closer still as Tarin and Doshi took the stairs to his private floor. She protested with a tiny sound when one brushed too close and Tarin commanded them to drop back a pace.

  "But your highness, the attempt on your life—"

  "Quiet!” Tarin barked.

  She jumped at her prince's loud command and then trembled with fear at the guard's words. What did he mean, an attempt on Tarin's life? Had someone tried to kill him? Her chest constricted at the thought. She clutched his hand tighter and he stroked hers with his thumb.

  Finally, they were locked alone in his room, the guards having inspected it before they allowed them entrance. Something was definitely afoot. Tarin's guards watched him carefully, as they should, but they were never this watchful and jumpy. Each man's hand was curved around a weapon at his hip, as if ready to kill an enemy at the least provocation.

  "What has happened, Tarin?” She was now in her outline form, so he knew where she was.

  He pulled her against him, giving her a brief kiss. “Nothing to worry yourself over, honey. My guards are a little over protective, that's all."

  She pulled away and faded so he couldn't see her shape. “You're lying, my prince."

  He reached toward her blindly, but she slipped away. He frowned when he couldn't feel her. “Honey, come here and show yourself."

  She stood by the window, arms crossed. “I will as soon as you explain who is trying to kill you."

  She grinned, knowing Tarin thought she was near the bed. He searched for her at his desk, the commode and the window. When he didn't make contact, he turned to sit down and sighed. “Fine. A few days ago, one of my men discovered my saddle belt had been cut, deliberately. And just this morning, I had a small carriage mishap."

  She darted across the room and threw herself into his arms. “No, Tarin. Who is it? Why are they doing this?” Tears filled her eyes.

  "Shh, honey.” He stroked her hair. “This is why I didn't want to tell you. I didn't want to frighten you."

  She nuzzled beneath his chin and wrapped her arms around his waist, causing him to flinch. “Why would anyone want to harm you? You have a reputation of being a kind ruler. You've taken on so much responsibility from your father since he's so ill. How can they find fault with that?"

  He pulled her arms from his waist. “It's just the way things are, Rose. It's impossible to please everyone"

  She noticed his grunt of pain when she moved to hug him again. She pulled back, eyes widening. “What is it?"

  "Nothing, honey."

  "It's not nothing!"

  He sighed and then removed his jacket, his waistcoat and shirt. She cried out when she saw the purpled bruises spreading across his left side. She began to cry again, hating to see him in pain.

  "Don't, Rose. It's all right. Just a small souvenir from the accident."

  "You called it a mishap."

  "Little more than that,” he said with a smile.

  She felt her wonderful last night with him slip away. Her tears increased, dotting the front of her dress and sliding down inside the tight space between her breasts. At least this time she wasn't wearing one of her sister's dresses. She'd had a new one made, with the neck line much lower than her usual style of dress, while not so indecent as Gabriella wore. And it was pointless.

  "Is that a new dress, Rose? Is it lilac? Very pretty, honey."

  She knew it was hard for him to distinguish the colors since she blended with the backgrounds of the room. But he had noticed. A small tingling of joy bubbled inside her at his words

  "You don't think it's too modest?” She rested a gloved hand against the neckline. A glance up found her lover staring down at her now moist cleavage.

  "Not at all,” he told her. “I like it higher like that. It makes me feel safer that you aren't about to pop out in front of other men when you're out and not invisible. Besides, I'll have that off of you in a few minutes."

  She trembled excitedly. She wished he would rip the new dress off her right now. With a soft giggle, she leaned carefully toward his right side, pressing her bosom against his bare chest. “Well, I'm always invisible when in your presence, so it doesn't really matter."

  Tarin gripped her arms and dragged her closer. “It matters, Rose. I do not want you dressing so ... loosely anymore. No lower than this,” his nod indicated her dress. “And you should always wear a shift and petticoat beneath."

  She thought her love was in for a shock when he saw Gabriella for the first time. She was the most daring of women and her dresses reflected it. Gabriella set the style for all women wishing to show a bit more flesh. She had seen the blue muslin on someone just a couple days ago. It had been cut, if possible, even lower.

  "Yes, my prince.” There was no sense arguing. Not that she often did. She loved pleasing him. “Shall we spend the evening playing cards or just talking?"

  His eyebrows rose. “You are jesting, Rose. Our last night in paradise before the onslaught is not to be spent playing cards, I assure you."

  "But you're hurt."

  "Not too hurt to teach you something new."

  Her eyes widened with the prospect of touching and being touched by her lover. She'd been waiting for this moment seemingly all her life, certainly for the last twenty-four hours or more.

  She stood at his prompting and turned her back so he could undo the buttons of her dress, wiggling impatiently at how long he was taking.

  "Now, Tarin. Now,” she demanded.

  "Patient, my heart.” Tarin kissed the back of her neck and allowed his tongue to tickle her heated skin until she arched her back and pressed her bottom against him. She felt his hardness bulging against her and decided to wait no longer.

  She pulled from his grasp and swung around to face him. She placed her hands against his chest and pushed him back on the bed, before following him down with a knee between his legs.

  "Careful, honey."

  She grinned down at him. “I would never hurt that. It's what I've been craving all day and I just can't wait a second longer."

  With greedy hands, Doshi tore at the clasp keeping her from her treasure. She worked the buttons loose and reached inside his pants, already feeling his shaft throbbing to get out. She stared down at Tarin's huge erection. Now that she had come this far, she wasn't sure how to proceed.

  "How do I ... you know?” She was all at once embarrassed. “How do I do what you did to me?"

  She saw his happy grin. “What do you want to do, Rose?"

  She bit her lip, hesitant to admit her intent. “I want to have a taste. I want to put my tongue there in that groove.” She watched the shaft jump. She was exciting Tarin with her words. Today was a great day for exploration.

  "Go ahead, honey."

  He didn't have to command her twice. She lowered her mouth to the thick head. Carefully, she swirled her tongue around the tip and was rewarded with a groan of pleasure from Tarin. Knowing she was on the right track, she continued. She ran her tongue down over the length and curved it along the shaft until she was back at the head.

  She hated that her mouth was too small to get him inside, so she sucked lightly on the head while dipping her tongue in the tiny hole on the top. He began to writhe and moan, tangling his fingers in her hair.

  Suddenly, desperate hunger enveloped her hot body. She loved the taste and feel of him in her mouth, so moist and warm. She sucked harder at the tip and stroked the shaft between her hands. She remembered the warmth that spread through her when her lover exploded inside her, and she desperately wanted that release in her mouth now.

  She worked him harder, determined to have the nectar she'd been dreaming about. And then Tarin's hips bucked higher. He reached out to push her off.
  "Let go, honey. I can't hold back."

  She refused. He tried again to disengage her mouth, though he was weakened by his pleasure. She brushed his hand away and then he released into her mouth. The liquid shot hard into the back of her throat. She swallowed every drop, sucking for more and licking along the sides in case she'd missed anything.

  When she finished, she glanced up at him, hoping he wasn't angry. He stared as if in awe of her. “Come here,” he demanded.

  She climbed up to lay atop him. “I was so afraid I'd hurt you because your mouth is so small and I'm so big.” He stroked her hair. “But you are a natural, woman."

  She grinned and then gave a startled squeak when he whipped out from under her so that he straddled her body from behind. He paddled her bottom lightly.

  "Now this is for disobeying me when I told you to stop.” He hiked up her dress and reached around the side of her hip and dipped his fingers inside her warm, moist center. “Yes, you're ready for me."

  Rather than play with her with his fingers as he had many times before, Tarin hoisted her hips a little higher and then plunged inside her from behind. She screamed and buried her mouth in his pillow. Her lover thrust into her so hard, banging against her rear, she thought she'd faint from the overload in sensation.

  The sound! The sound their bodies made as Tarin slammed inside her so roughly, drove her wild. She pushed back against him, bracing her hands against the headboard.

  "Do you want me to stop, honey?"

  "Never!” She knew he was only teasing her. He would drive deep inside her until he had to cover her mouth to keep her from screaming so loudly the guards would break in. He already knew that she couldn't get enough of him.

  Seconds later, he slid a hand across her mouth and she screamed into it as her body reached new heights of aching satisfaction. He pushed deep inside her and lay flat against her, so that there was no gap between them.

  He removed his hand and wrapped his arms around her and she turned her head to snuggle her face into his neck. She knew what he was thinking. They would soon be apart, unable to share moments like this. She choked on her tears, while he held her tighter.