Invisible Rose Read online

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  He paled and his hazel eyes opened to stare right at her, “Who are you? And how did you get in here?"

  Squeaking in terror, she scrambled away on hands and knees. The prince tackled her with predatory speed and pressed his heavy wet body down until she was pinned in place.

  She began to cry.

  "Don't,” he whispered. “Don't cry. I won't hurt you."

  She sniffled. “C-Can you see me?"

  "No. I sensed your location by the noise you made and I was right."

  His warm breath blew wisps of her hair across her face. She wiggled beneath him, struggling to free herself. She cried out in fear when she felt his naked erection against her, as he pressed her face first on the floor.

  "I will let you up as soon as you tell me who you are."

  The prince's voice was gentle, not angry. She wondered that he so readily believed in her existence rather than think himself crazy. And beyond that, discovering an invisible woman in one's room was disconcerting. He didn't appear to be shaken up at all.

  "I have a gift,” she supplied weakly.

  "That's obvious. Try again,” he demanded.

  She thought fast. She didn't want him to know who she was, lest he tell her father and she be shamed beyond repair.

  "I am ... Rose."



  She waited for him to demand a last name or an explanation of how she'd gotten there. No demands were forthcoming. He rolled away and stood. She sat up and took his blindly offered hand. “Why aren't you shocked at my invisibility? You seem to expect me here, or were you waiting for someone else?"

  Prince Tarin hesitated. “Let's just say I am familiar with this particular gift."

  She didn't think she could get any more out of him than this vague answer. She moved to a nearby chair and sat uneasily on the edge of the seat. At first she turned away from his nakedness and then realized he couldn't see her watching him.

  Her gaze drifted down his body. His shoulders were broad, his stomach tight in six stacked ripples. He stood firm with his powerful legs apart and she couldn't look away from his thick erection. Her stunned gaze took in the long solid curve, from the base to the rounded head. She caught her lip between her teeth, having never seen a man naked. It was both enlightening and thrilling.

  "What are you doing, Rose?” The prince's expression told her he was aware of her breathless interest. Isn't that what he'd wanted when he'd posed for her?

  Her fears momentarily gone, she sassed him as Lin would have. “I'm looking at your naked body. What else?"

  "Ah. And was it you who kissed me at the ball tonight?"

  "I didn't have to kiss you, your highness. I was standing in front of you and you bent forward. What else were our mouths to do, but meet?"

  "What else, indeed? Tell me, Rose, what do you look like?"

  Doshi stiffened. She smoothed her flyaway hair, then yanked on the back of her dress wishing it weren't crushed and damp.

  "I have the feeling you're lamenting your ruined dress. Send me the bill for a new one."

  "I couldn't do that."

  He grinned and took a seat on a nearby couch, crossing one leg over the other and placing an arm along the back of the chair. He patted the space beside him. “Come sit by me and let's talk."

  "Don't you want to put some clothes on first?"

  "Must I?” he protested. “I like walking around in the nude. A prince must conform to many rules and regulations which dictate his every article of clothing. When I've just had my bath, I like to kick away the obligations and imagine I'm an ordinary man for a few moments."

  She moved to join him. “I know exactly what you mean, your highness."

  He held up a finger. “Remember I am just a regular man. You must call me Tarin while I'm naked."

  She giggled. “All right, Tarin.” The name was butter on her tongue. She loved saying it and would have chanted it a few more times if she didn't think she'd alarm him.

  "So, my sweet Rose, what are you doing here?"


  He laughed. “You still haven't told me what you look like.” He held up a hand. “No, let me guess."

  Tarin positioned both hands near her head and slowly brought them down just inches from her form as if he were reading her aura.

  "Rich chestnut hair, flashing blue eyes ... the sweet lips I already know about. Oh yes, and a delectable body. Am I close?"

  Doshi's heart sank. She did match his description, but something told her he believed she was Gabriella. It was her own fault for calling herself Rose.

  Tears filled her eyes and she stood. She'd better stop playing this game now, before it was too late. He stood also.

  "Are you leaving, Rose? Did I offend you in some way?"

  "No.” She attempted to keep the tears and hurt from her voice. “I'd better get back before they discover I'm gone."

  He gave a slight bow. “Of course. And will you come again? I hope so."

  She moved toward the door. “I don't think that's a good idea.” She hesitated a moment longer. “May I ask you a question?"

  He nodded. “You may."

  "Why weren't you more afraid? Why did you take for granted my invisibility?"

  The prince seemed to be weighing his words. Finally, he spoke. “Generations ago, there was a man in my family who had the power of invisibility or rather something similar. In his case, he could walk through walls. I suspect, though I have not proven it yet, that one of my family members has inherited this gift. I thought at first that you might be him."

  Doshi's eyes grew wide. So that was why he wasn't surprised. She wondered if it was this same person who'd delayed his meeting with Gabriella. He didn't feel moved to share the details with her father, so he probably wouldn't tell her. It was time for her to get back anyway.

  She touched the doorknob and then glanced back, memorizing his nakedness for her fantasies on lonely nights. “Will you distract the guards, please?"

  "What, no walking through walls?"

  He grinned at his joke, but stepped forward to assist. Doshi slipped out and ran down the hall to the stairs. Unfortunately, Lady Lydie had already left, so she was forced to walk all the way home.

  * * * *

  Doshi stood in the prince's room watching him once again. She'd been unable to resist his handsome face and muscular body. She longed to run her fingers over his silky soft skin.

  Servants came and went. Advisors met with him at a small mahogany table in one corner of the large room. The prince glanced pointedly in her direction once or twice and he seemed more impatient today. Often he stood up from a meeting and dismissed the attendees abruptly. But as soon as they left, new ones came and monopolized his time.

  At one point, he stood and circled the room slowly, muttering to himself. She couldn't figure out what he was doing until he neared her. “I know you're here,” he murmured softly. “Please don't leave. I will make time for us."

  Her heart skipped a beat. Could he feel her? No. It was the roses—her perfume. Despite the reminder of the Wild Rose, she waited. She wanted to talk with him. She wanted to hear him call her his sweet.

  Nearly an hour passed before he ordered everyone out. He slammed the door behind the last person and locked it tight.

  She waited while the tension drained from his face.

  "Come here, my sweet."

  She hurried forward. Tarin reached out, finding her shoulders and dragging her to his body before encircling her in his arms. She gasped when his lips found first her cheek and then her mouth.

  The heat from his lips spread over her entire body. She pressed tightly against him, feeling his stiff erection against her belly. When his hand slid to her rear and dragged her up off her feet, a groan of need was wrenched from her throat.


  Reality was an icy splash across her face and she wiggled to free herself from his hold. “Please, let go."

  He set her on her feet, but kept hold of her hands. �
�I'm glad you came back."

  "I shouldn't have. I should be going."

  "No, please don't, Rose.” He led her to the couch. “We should get to know one another."

  She'd been a fool for coming here. He was her sister's intended, for goodness sake. She should not be lusting over him. She held back. “No, I can't stay."

  "We'll behave ourselves. I promise.” His charming grin weakened her resolve. “We can walk in the garden. I can't seduce you with the guards present."

  Still, she hesitated. “But we can't talk. They'll think you're crazy."

  He waved her protest aside. “That's not a problem. I often talk to myself when I'm rehearsing a speech. Won't you come out with me, honey?"

  She shut her eyes and swayed toward him. If only she was his honey. “Yes, I will walk with you."


  He tucked her hand in the crook of his arm and led her out the door. He paused to give commands to his guards. “I am going to walk in the garden. Two guards only. Drop back twenty feet."

  The guards bowed. “Of course, your highness."

  * * * *

  Time slipped by quickly as Doshi strolled along at the prince's side. She could not resist staring up into his face. His gaze was somewhat off-centered from where she was, but it didn't matter. She knew he was looking at her. For once in her life, a man—a deliciously handsome man—was looking at her and not her sister.

  "Tell me,” he said, interrupting her happy thoughts. “What is your real name? Where do you come from?"

  She hedged, unready to admit her identity. Spending this time with Prince Tarin was a fulfillment of years of fantasy. “Does it matter, my prince? Think of me as simply Rose. I am your invisible friend, a woman who finds your company enjoyable."

  He considered the suggestion with a frown. “All right, I agree."

  She remembered her sister's plan to have affairs after she married Tarin, and wondered about his thoughts on the subject. “It is common for men to have mistresses even after they marry."

  She peered up at him through her lashes to gauge his reaction. His mouth tightened and he turned away. She felt abandoned.

  "Are you saying you want men in your bed after your marriage?"

  "Since I am not the Wild Rose, it doesn't matter, does it?"

  He stopped walking and reached for her. He dragged her against him and she trembled at his strength. He could snap her in half if he chose.

  "Don't play games with me. I don't like it."

  She began to tremble and cry. She tried stifling her sniffles but failed. Instantly his hold gentled. He wrapped an arm about her waist and looked toward his guards who pretended not to notice their prince fighting with an invisible person.

  "Stay!” he barked and pulled her behind a cluster of trees. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I simply believe ... Never mind. We will use our time to get to know one another. Possibly our opinions will change."

  She knew she should leave, but couldn't pull away. She longed to feel his touch just a little longer, to taste his lips once more. He seemed to sense her longing and lowered his head to hers. She adjusted herself to meet his lips and melted under the gentle teasing of his tongue.

  He pressed her against him while she mentally begged Gabriella to forgive her. Just one more kiss, Gabriella, and then you can have him back. “Just one more, my prince."

  Tarin lifted her again and this time she wrapped her legs around his waist. She was grateful the expansive material of her dress allowed the wanton move. She slipped her fingers into his hair, savoring the taste of his mouth. Their tongues intertwined for long blissful moments that sent her pulse racing into overdrive.

  "Honey, I want you right here, right now,” he demanded.

  She gasped and then began to pull away again. “No, we can't."

  "Yes, Rose.” His voice was thick. His hold tightened when she tried to get down.

  She shook her head. “We can't."

  Suddenly, her protests got through to him and he released her. She saw the anger in his eyes. He paced out to the opening and glanced toward the guards, then returned to her side. Again, his sight was off and she positioned herself to face him.

  "I don't understand, Rose. You want me as much as I want you."

  She backed away and glanced up at the sky, noting that it was getting late and the sky was darkening. Today, she had paid an old farmer to drive out toward the castle when he glimpsed a hankie tied on a bush near the place he'd left his cart. She had no intention of showing herself to the farmer, but at least she wouldn't risk her life by being run over by some unsuspecting driver who didn't see her walking along the road. Still, she needed to leave now.

  "I'm sorry, your highness. I must leave."

  Her voice was stiff with anger. The prince's face reflected her mood. His eyes darkened and his brow creased. Gabriella stood between them. She wanted to make love with him more than anything. How could she betray Gabriella that way, having an affair with her husband-to-be?

  "Before you go, I want to tell you something."

  "What is that?” she whispered.

  "Should I decide to marry the Wild Rose, my requirements are simple. She will give birth to my heirs—my heirs—and then she may do whatever she chooses after that."

  Aghast, she nodded as if he could see her and then plunged into the trees with tears of bewilderment streaming down her cheeks.

  Chapter Four

  Doshi lay on her bed, replaying Tarin's words. What an idiot she had been to think the prince was the perfect man. She'd thought he wanted love as much as she did. How foolish. She whimpered and rolled over to her side, burying her face beneath her arm. He was the perfect man for Gabriella. She would be able to continue her affairs after she'd given him his heirs. It would be the ideal solution.

  "After that, I guess he'll continue with his own mistresses. That's what men do, after all."

  "What's that, your highness?"

  Doshi jumped at the sound of Lin's voice and looked up to see her maid entering the room. “Nothing, Lin."

  "Will you hide from the world in your room all day? I need to clean."

  "You disrespect me, Lin,” Doshi told her maid. “Do not forget yourself again."

  Lin curtsied, her gaze lowered to the floor. Doshi rolled her eyes, knowing the servant wasn't sorry. It was her honesty that appealed to Doshi in the first place. All servants bowed enough to scrape the ground if it meant they could serve royalty. Lin was not swayed by Doshi's blood. That made her invaluable.

  She slid to the edge of her bed and then stood, averting her face. The outspoken maid didn't need to see that she had been crying. “Fine, Lin. I'm getting out of your way."

  Gabriella's voice floated out as she passed the yellow day room. She paused outside wondering if she dared discuss Tarin with her sister. It had been a week since she last visited the prince. From what she'd learned from her father's private meetings, it would be at least two more before the prince came to the castle. She missed him sorely.

  "Come here, Mouse. Tell this buffoon how perfect I look in this new dress!” Gabriella began her insults the second Doshi pushed open the door.

  Of course the Wild Rose was correct. The deep blue muslin draped so low across Gabriella's bosom that Doshi could see the beginnings of her areoles. Any man who saw her in it would be her slave inside two seconds. She looked like the loose woman she was, yet that was the look Gabriella was going for, so it didn't matter.

  "I wouldn't say you look beautiful, Gabriella.” Doshi stepped inside the room but stood near the door. “But don't worry. When the men see you in that, they will fight each other for the privilege of taking it off you."

  "See!” Gabriella beamed. Doshi knew she'd won points in her admission to her sister. The self-centered woman would probably make time to speak with her.

  Doshi waded through discarded tissue paper, material and boxes to find a seat near her sister. She plopped unladylike on a couch while Mary helped Gabriella back int
o her former gown.

  "The dress will be ready tomorrow night, your highness,” the seamstress told her before bundling away everything and bustling out of the room.

  Doshi shook her head. Gabriella's bedroom was large and had its own sitting room, but that wasn't enough for Gabriella. She wanted the bigger yellow drawing room as her personal fitting room when she was being measured for new clothes. Doshi had neglected to get anything new for the last month or so.

  "Well, Mouse?"

  Doshi eyed Mary, Gabriella's personal maid. She knew the servant was completely loyal to Gabriella and would not repeat anything she heard. “What do you think of Prince Tarin having affairs?"

  Gabriella's laugh was a gentle melody. “Oh Mouse. You're such a baby."

  Doshi frowned.

  "I could care less if he has mistresses. Because you can be sure, little sister, I intend to have my men.” She closed her eyes briefly. “Just one isn't enough. One is good at this. Another is good at that."

  "What if you found one who was good at everything?"

  "Don't be stupid. Such a man does not exist."

  Doshi had no experience with men other than the passionate kisses she'd shared with Tarin. Yet, she felt sure he could satisfy her every sexual need. And she had plenty of needs that weren't being satisfied. Her fantasies were many and varied, and since she'd met the prince, he'd starred in every one.

  Her body burned just thinking of him. She fidgeted and squeezed her legs together beneath her dress. Moisture built at her center. She didn't know much about men, but she'd seen her sister in the act many times before. She knew the ways a man's body connected with a woman's and ached for Tarin's to connect with hers.

  Before the heat caused her to explode, she darted up from the couch and beat a hasty exit, hoping a cool bath would calm her raging desire. Lin would have to clean some other time.

  * * * *

  Doshi stood in Gabriella's dark room. It was unusual for her sister to get sick, but today she'd taken to her bed. Her poor sister's clogged nose and strenuous cough echoed in the silence. Mary had been ordered from the room by a very grumpy patient unable to tolerate the constant coddling.